Company "K"
65th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division, United States
Army. On 6 December 1950,
near Majong-Dong, Korea, Lieutenant FULLER voluntarily
led a patrol to de-
termine enemy dispositions and strength on a small
hill to the unit's front.
After approaching to within 300 yards of the enemy,
the patrol was suddenly
subjected to intense hostile fire. Lieutenant FULLER
deliberately exposed
himself in an effort to locate the enemy guns. When
a mortar section arrived
to lend vital fire support, he directed a concentrated
barrage on hostile
machine gun positions. Observing two enemy soldiers
fleeing from an emplace-
ment, Lieutenant FULLER fired his carbine at them,
killing one and wounding the
other. As soon as the volume of enemy fire began to
decrease, Lieutenant
Fuller ordered his patrol to withdraw, but he remained
and directed mortar
fire until the supply of ammunition was expended.
After ordering the mortar
section to withdraw, he discovered that one of his
men was severely wounded
and unable to move. Hurrying back to the company,
he organized a rescue party
and returned for the stricken soldier, successfully
evacuating him to safety.
Lieutenant FULLER'S outstanding gallantry and fearless
leadership reflect
great credit upon himself and the military service.
Entered the military
service from the State of Minnesota.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -
National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.