First Lieutenant KENNETH C. GARRETSON, 02028687, Infantry, Company "K", 65th
Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. During the early morning
hours of 6 July 1953, elements of Company "K" moved forward to engage the enemy
on Hill "250" in the vicinity of Honu-Chon, Korea. Lieutenant GARRETSON, commanding
officer of Company "K", was in charge of the attack. His initial action was to
accurately brief the assault platoon, the support platoon, and all other members of
the company so that each element understood the mission to the last detail. Lieutenant
GARRETSON moved forward with the assault platoon and directed their actions
through the entire operation. He also maintained control over the various other
components which enabled them to be constantly aware of their part in the mission.
When the assault platoon closed with the enemy and received small arms and machine
gun fire, Lieutenant GARRETSON courageously directed his men and quickly effected
the destruction of the enemy positions. All elements of the riding party were
under heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire, but he maintained control in his direction
of the assaulting force. He bolstered the strength of his men by offering them
encouragement and sustained their fighting spirit by giving orders and instructions
in an aggressive and positive manner. His complete disregard for his personal
safety, stamina under hazardous conditions, and accurate leadership, as well as his
planing of the attack, brought about the successful accomplishment of the assigned
mission. Lieutenant GARRETSON'S outstanding gallantry and devotion to duty reflect
great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the Federal Service
from California.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -
National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.