"K", 65th
Infantry, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army.
On 27 March 1951, near
Hongbok, Korea, Company "K" was completely cut off
from the remainder of the
battalion by a superior enemy force. Lieutenant KING,
Weapons Platoon Leader,
led his men in a bayonet assault on the hostile positions,
completely routing
and vigorously pursuing the enemy until the platoon
came under intense auto-
matic weapons and mortar fire from a ridge to the
front. Lieutenant KING,
although in an exposed position on the forward slope,
grabbed a light machine
gun and placing fire on the enemy emplacements, drew
fire on his own position,
enabling a part of the company in his sector to withdraw
to a place of safety.
The complete disregard for his own safety, gallantry,
and calmness under fire
displayed by Lieutenant KING reflect the highest credit
upon himself and the
military service. Entered the military service from
the State of Colorado.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -
National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.