FIRST LIEUTENANT JOSE VERA, JR., 01684927, Infantry,
Company "M", 65th
Infantry, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army.
On 6 December 1950, at
Majon-dong, Korea, while Lieutenant VERA was in command
of a machine gun and
recoilless rifle section covering the withdrawal of
the 1st Marine Division
from the Chosin Reservoir area, numerically superior
enemy forces infiltrated
to within a few yards of his machine gun positions
during the hours of darkness
and attacked at dawn. Heedless of the intense fire,
noise and confusion, Lieu-
tentant VERA abandoned the shelter of his command
post to direct and personally
coordinate the defense of his positions, moving quickly
and continuously among
his men, encouraging and directing their actions.
When one of his machine guns
ceased to fire, Lieutenant VERA, realizing that he
had to prevent the gun from
being captured, moved fearlessly through heavy enemy
fire to the machine gun
emplacement, where he found that the gunner had been
wounded and the machine
gun had jammed. Despite the fact that the enemy was
only about 15 yards from
the emplacement, he remained in the exposed position
until he had the machine
gun in action. From this position he forced the enemy
troops to withdraw in
haste, abandoning their equipment. By repulsing their
attack, he prevented an
encirclement of the rifle platoon. During the attack,
when one of his men was
mortally wounded, Lieutenant VERA'S left the machine
gun emplacement and brought
the wounded man back to safety, where he administered
first aid treatment.
Lieutenant VERA'S gallantry and aggressive leadership
were an inspiring example
to his men, and reflect great credit upon himself
and the military service.
Entered the military service from Puerto Rico.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -
National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.