First LIEUTENANT MARSHALL B. TATOR, 01290333, Infantry,
Company "I", 65th
Infantry, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army.
On 23 March 1951, the 3d
Platoon of Company "I", under Lieutenant TATOR'S command,
attacked the left
flank of a ridge overlooking the town of Uijongbu,
Korea. Placing himself
within range of the enemy fire, Lieutenant Tator pointed
out targets and assisted
in directing automatic weapons fire on the foe's entrenched
positions. During
the final phase of the attack, he aggressively rallied
his troops and supporting
weapons into such an overwhelming force that the enemy
was severely beaten and
withdrew in disorder. Lieutenant TATOR'S exceptional
gallantry and outstanding
leadership reflect the highest credit upon himself
and the military service.
Entered the military service from the State of Minnesota.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -
National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.