Headquarters and
Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 65th Infantry,
3d Infantry Division, United
States Army. On 29 September 1951, Company "K" participating
in the 3d
Battalion's attack on "Twin Peaks", near Chorwon,
Korea, encountered a strong
area of enemy resistance, resulting in numerous casualties
to the unit, in-
cluding the company commander. Observing a state of
confusion and disorgani-
zation developing in the company, Lieutenant KING,
Assistant Battalion S-3
unhesitatingly made his way to the company through
more than a quarter mile
of terrain subjected to intense hostile fire. Arriving
at the area, he im-
mediately assumed command, reorganizing and encouraging
the men by moving about
fearlessly in the deluge of enemy missiles. The company's
position again con-
solidated, he moved it forward and continued the attack.
The exemplary gal-
lantry, initiative, and fearless leadership displayed
by Lieutenant KING re-
flect high credit upon himself and the military service.
Entered the mili-
tary service from the State of Colorado.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -
National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.