Tank Company,
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders
Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -National Archives and Records Administration, College
Park, Maryland.
65th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division, United States
Army. On 18 April
1951, in the vicinity of Yur-hyow, Korea, the task
force of which Lieutenant
BROUGHTON was a member, came under heavy fire from
the enemy. When his
tank became disabled while negotiating the rough terrain,
making it a target
for enemy fire, Lieutenant BROUGHTON ordered the members
of his crew to
strip the vehicle of all weapons and withdraw to the
other tanks in the
platoon. Completely disregarding his personal safety,
he climbed to the
top of his tank turret, manned the heavy machine gun
and fired at enemy
emplacements, thereby furnishing cover for his crew
as they escaped to
the safety of the other armored vehicles. Lieutenant
BROUGHTON then dis-
mounted from his tank and crawled to another which
he maneuvered into
position to fire directly at the hostile forces. Once
again, exposing
himself to the fire of the enemy, he stood in the
tank's turret and fired
at the enemy, causing him to retreat. Lieutenant BROGHTON'S
and extreme courage reflect great credit upon himself
and exemplify the
highest traditions of the military service. Entered
the military service
from the State of Ohio.