Puerto Rico's 

 GENERAL ORDERS # 547 - 1 December 1951

CAPTAIN THERON H. PERRY, 02017275, Infantry, Company "K", 65th Infantry,
3d Infantry Division, United States Army. On 29 September 1951, near Chorwon,
Korea, Company "K", in conjunction with another company, was assigned the mis-
sion of attacking and securing a strategic hill held by well-entrenched enemy
troops. In the initial stage of the attack, Company "K" was subjected to heavy
enemy artillery and mortar fire, but under the direction and encouragement of
Captain PERRY, the company continued to move forward until it reached the foot
of the hill. Here it deployed and two platoons advanced up the incline under
heavy small arms fire. When the platoons had nearly reached their objective,
they were pinned down under vast quantities of grenades hurled down by the enemy.
Although having been wounded by mortar fragments, Captain PERRY moved forward
to the units, ordered them to fix bayonets and, shouting encouragement, per-
sonally led the platoons in their final assault on the hill where they engaged
the enemy at close quarters with grenades. During this final assault, Captain
Perry was wounded again, seriously enough to necessitate evacuation; however,
he had so inspired the men by his courage that they finished clearing the
trenches of enemy troops and secured the hill. Captain PERRY'S superb courage,
gallantry, and leadership reflect the highest credit upon himself and the mili-
tary service. Entered the military service from the State of New York.

Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.

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