Corporal JOSE VICENTE GARCIA, US51113825, Infantry, Company "A", 65th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. In the early morning hours of 20 July 1952, a platoon of Company "A", of which Corporal VICENTE GARCIA was a member was assigned the mission of making contact with the opposing forces in the vicinity of Chokko-ri, Korea. As the leading elements of the friendly unit neared their objective, they were brought under a hail of hostile small arms fire and the murderous fire of three enemy machine gun emplacements. During this initial hostile action, the platoon leader was mortally wounded and Corporal VICENTE GARCIA sustained severe wounds. Disregarding his intense pain and refusing medical aid and evacuation, Corporal VICENTE GARCIA assumed command of the platoon and set up a perimeter of defense. Oblivious to the hostile fire and disregarding his personal safety, he dashed about the fire swept terrain, shouting words of encouragement and lead a squad in destroying the nearest hostile machine gun emplacement. When the volume of enemy fire increased and forced the withdrawal of the friendly unit, he recovered the body of the mortally wounded platoon leader, acted as rear guard and directed the withdrawal of the friendly unit with its wounded, Corporal VICENTE GARCIA'S aggressive leadership and gallantry were instrumental in saving the lives of his wounded comrades and reflect the highest credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the Federal service from NEW YORK.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.