Puerto Rico's 

 GENERAL ORDERS # 363- August 28, 1953

Corporal RAYMOND TOTUS, US56118384, Infantry, Company "K", 65th Infantry
Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. On the early morning of 6
July 1953, Company "K" commenced to attack enemy held Hill "250" in the vicinity of
Honu-Chon, Korea. Corporal TOTUS quickly set up his machine gun in support of
the assault team which was a few yards away from his position. In the ensuing
action, he was wounded by grenade fragments. Despite his wounds, he directed his
assistant gunner to move the gun to where its fire could cover the advance of the
assault force most effectively. Again, he was wounded by the explosion of a
nearby concussion grenade, but he continued to fire his weapon. When the order
was given to return to friendly lines, Corporal TOTUS supported a wounded comrade
to the evacuation point. He then helped carry a litter into the aid station. Upon
arriving at the station, Corporal TOTUS collapsed from the loss of blood. His
courageous actions resulted in saving the live of a critically wounded comrade and
furnishing the close support for the assault force. Corporal TOTUS' outstanding
 gallantry and devotion to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the military
service. Entered the Federal Service from Oregon.

Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.