Headquarters and
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders
Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -
Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 65th Infantry,
3d Infantry Division, United
States Army. On 29 September 1951, the 3d Battalion,
65th Infantry, was attack-
ing strong enemy positions near Chorwon, Korea. When
the attack tended to falter
and become disorganized, Colonel HARRIS, with complete
disregard for his safety,
moved across more than 5oo yards of open terrain,
rocked by intense hostile ar-
tillery, mortar and small arms fire to establish his
observation post on line
with the attacking elements, from where he was able
to rally the wavering men
and consolidate the position for the night. The following
day, he personally
directed and advanced with the rifle elements to the
point where the attack
gained the momentum necessary to accomplish the mission.,
During the advance,
Colonel HARRIS was constantly exposed and subjected
to hostile fire from auto-
matic weapons and mortars; however, he undauntedly
continued to direct the at-
tack. For the remainder of the engagement, Colonel
HARRIS operated from a for-
ward position, much nearer to attacking elements than
necessary, in order to
maintain immediate control. The gallant leadership
and exemplary courage dis-
played by Colonel HARRIS reflect the highest credit
upon himself and the mili-
tary service. Entered the military service from the
State of New York.