Master Sergeant RAFAEL E. BALZAC, RA20023787, Infantry, Company "C", 65th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. On 19 July 1952, elements of Company "C" were assaulting hostile positions near Yu-hyon, Korea, when they were suddenly subjected to an intense enemy mortar barrage. Sergeant BALZAC, who was severely wounded by the intense barrage, refused aid and evacuation as he undauntedly remained with his company throughout the ensuing action. When the order was given to withdraw, Sergeant BALZAC assisted in evacuating a wounded comrade. Upon reaching friendly positions, he again refused medical aid, and after calling for volunteers to accompany him, left his position of comparative safety to further assist in evacuating the wounded. As he was carrying a fallen comrade to safety, the entire area was brought under a devastating barrage of enemy mortar fire resulting in Sergeant BALZAC sustaining mortal wounds. The outstanding gallantry and selfless actions displayed by Sergeant BALZAC under enemy fire, reflect the highest credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the Federal service from Puerto Rico.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.