Private First Class NORBERTO RIVERA, US50109255, Infantry, Company "A", 65th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. On the night of 20 July 1952, a platoon of Company "A", of which Private RIVERA was a squad leader, was assigned the mission of assaulting enemy fortifications on a hill in the vicinity of Chokko-ri, Korea. As the forward elements of the friendly unit neared their objective, they encountered intense enemy machine gun fire and were ambushed by the foe. Seeing that his squad was becoming disorganized, Private RIVERA immediately regrouped the members of his unit, personally led them to within a few yards of the nearest machine gun emplacement and succeeded in silencing the enemy weapon. Realizing the foe had the advantage of fire power and fortifications and that it would be fatal to press the attack, Private RIVERA ordered his men to withdraw. During the withdrawal he remained behind and provided his squad with effective covering fire. Upon rejoining his unit at a position of safety and noticing that a member of his unit was missing, he disregarded his personal safety, returned to the fire swept terrain, located the wounded man and personally carried him to the safety of friendly positions. the gallantry and selfless actions displayed by Private RIVERA were instrumental in saving the life of a fellow soldier and reflect the highest credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the Federal service from Puerto Rico.
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.