Puerto Rico's 

 GENERAL ORDERS # 361 - 27 August 1953

Sergeant First Class CHARLES R. SLOANE, US52176316, Infantry, Company "K",
65th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army. During the early
morning hours of 6 July 1953, Company "K" commenced to attack enemy held Hill "250"
in the vicinity of Honu-Chon, Korea. The attacking force moved over the first
sector of the hill without incident, but as they entered the second sector. known
as "Mak", the unit came under automatic weapons fire from an enemy listening post.
Sergeant SLOANE, assistant platoon sergeant, immediately directed rapid and effective
carbine fire on the position. His accurate fire quickly neutralized the position.
He then began moving among his men, directing their fire, deploying them to
the most effective positions, and urging them on to the attack. Nearing the crest
of "MAk", the assault squads were fired upon from a large machine gun bunker.
Sergeant SLOANE, with complete disregard for his personal safety, began to rush the
enemy position. In the ensuing action, he succeeded, along with another member o
the patrol, in climbing to the roof of the bunker. He then hurled two grenades into
the aperture. As he threw his last grenade, an incoming enemy artillery round
critically wounded him. His courageous actions resulted in the complete destruction
of the enemy fortification. Sergeant SLOANE'S outstanding gallantry and devotion
to duty reflect great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the
Federal Service from Ohio.

Source: Record Group 338: General Orders 3rd Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 -

National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.