Bronze Star
Source: Record Group 338: General Orders
Infantry Division, Boxes 129 to 131 - National Archives and Records Administration, College
Park, Maryland.
Sergeant Antonio Torres Berrios, ER12269896, Infantry,
Company "A", 65th
Infantry, 3d Infantry Division, United States Army.
On 31 January 1951, near
Kalgok, Korea, in the course of an attack on an enemy
held hill his platoon
came under intense small arms and mortar fire causing
a great deal of confusion
within the platoon area. Sergeant Torres Berrios took
the initiative reorganized
the platoon, and disregarding the enemy fire, rallied
his squad and the rest
of the platoon to continue the attack. Upon spotting
a number of the
enemy, he threw hand grenades and fired his automatic
weapon into their midst.
The enemy became so surprised and bewildered that
they retreated from their
positions. Sergeant Torres Berrios was the first member
of his platoon to arrive
at the objective. His aggressive leadership was a
strong factor in the success
of the attack. The extraordinary heroism of Sergeant
Torres Berrios reflects
great credit on himself and is in keeping with the
highest traditions of the
military service. Entered the military service from
Puerto Rico.