The 65th Infantry Regiment at
Kelly Hill, September 1952
by Lieutenant Colonel Baltazar (Bart) Soto
F and C Defend
Battling Baker Takes its Turn
Easy Company Attacks
First Battlion Gives It A
3rd Battlion Ordered In
The 65th Infantry achieved an outstanding
combat record in Korea during the first two years of the war. This is
well documented in the official history.
Things began to change drastically in late 1952. Due
to the Army's points and rotation system, the well-trained and
experienced veterans began to leave the unit and return home. By the
autumn of 1952, the Army's rotation policy, the poor training program
for new Puerto Rican recruits, language difficulties, poor leadership,
bad tactics, and racial attitudes, all combined together to do serious
damage to the regiment.
Most of the soldiers of the wave of replacements
arriving in the regiment in 1952 were "green" draftees with only basic
training and no unit training. They were sent straight to the front. It
was left to the leadership of the Regiment to complete the training of
these soldiers even in the midst of combat.
According to then Captain George Jackson,
Company Commander of G (George) Company, 2nd Battalion, 65th Infantry,
in 1952 the Regiment received new troops "by the boatload" to replace
the many soldiers rotating back home. Prior to the battle of Outpost
Kelly, Cpt. Jackson had received 115 replacement soldiers in his
alone. That is over half of the total manpower available to his rifle
Unfortunately, few of the new replacements arriving
were NCOs. The majority of English speaking Puerto Rican NCOs shipped
to Korea in 1952 to the 65th Infantry were being sent to fill the
vacancies in other U.S. units, because of NCO shortages throughout 8th
Army. Ironically, the 65th had done so well at the beginning of the
war, the policy was changed allowing English speaking Puerto Rican NCOs
to be assigned to other units in the 8th Army. Despite the fact that
were being shipped to Korea specifically for the 65th Infantry to fill
its NCO vacancies, if these NCO's knew any English there orders were
and they were assigned to other units. Unfortunately, this very policy
deprived the 65th of critical NCO leadership and lead to the
warehousing of Spanish speaking soldiers in one unit.
There was such a severe shortage of experienced
NCO's in the Regiment that in many cases Squads were led by one of
the newly arrived soldiers who had just arrived from Basic Training
with his buddies. These individuals were selected because they happened
to speak more English than their comrades or had a little more
This did not inspire confidence in the men - being led by a fellow
from Basic Training ! The Platoon Sergeant, who is usually the senior
Sergeant in the platoon, was oftentimes just a Corporal. As LTC (Ret)
Bob Lott
explained in his article published in the Oct 2000 issue of "Watch on
the Rhine", his Platoon Sergeant was a Private First Class !
The leadership at the Rifle Company level
was very superficial and inexperienced. Once key leaders were killed
or became casualties, anything could happen.
The troops arriving into the regiment in 1952 were
thrown into the hell of combat without the benefit of experienced
leadership at the first line supervisory level, the backbone of the
Army, the Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs). The experienced NCOs served
the critical link between the soldiers who did not speak English and
their Continental Officers, who could not speak Spanish. The language
problem was only one small element of a much larger more difficult
which effects all solders in combat - leadership.
What happens when you have very few NCOs or none at
all ? How does a soldier react in a combat situation being led by one
of his peers who barely knows more than he does? What happens
to soldiers in combat that speak another "foreign" language? What
happens when your leader is killed and you do not even understand what
your mission is ? Eventually the results of this situation, being
unknowingly created by the U.S. Army itself, would manifest itself on
the battlefield.
Much has been said about the language situation in
the 65th Infantry Regiment. It is true that most of the drafted
Enlisted Men did not speak English well. In 1952, the average Puerto
Rican soldier was much like any other citizen of a Latin American
country. Despite the fact that Puerto Rico is a territory of the United
States and its citizens are U.S. citizens by law. (The Jones Act of
1917), the Puerto Rican native was more Latin American than U.S.
Continental American. Therefore, the
training of Puerto Rican troops would have to be more intensive to make
up for the problem with training "foreign" citizens lacking basic
skills. Unfortunately, the training being conducted in Puerto Rico by
the U.S. Army to prepare these native troops was not sufficient to
for this weakness.
The average Puerto Rican soldier would learn the
language by being immersed and completely surrounded by it while
serving in the Army. This would take time and the basic training period
provided for these troops was not enough. At this point in the war,
because of the tremendous need for replacement, basic training had been
reduced to 6 weeks for some, almost non-existent for those in Reserve
duty who had
already obtained basic during previous service in W.W.II. If these
troops had been given more time to serve in the Army before deployment
to front line combat units, they would have been able to master the
basics of English. As anyone knows who has experienced it, learning a
foreign language in a classroom is one thing, but actually using it and
functioning in it 100 % in a foreign country is something completely
different. This was the language
situation confronted by the average Puerto Rican soldier at that time.
F and C Defend
Beginning 9 September of 1952, the 65th Infantry was
occupying the "Line Jamestown" a six kilometer sector in which the
Imjin River cut across the sector from Northeast to Southwest. The
Regiment was
ordered to occupy several Outpost positions ( Kelly, Tessie, Nick,
Big and Little Nori and Bubble) in front of the main line of resistance
Army defensive doctrine at the time required outpost
positions in front of the main line of resistance (the main front
line). These outposts would provide warning of an enemy attack on the
main line, disrupt the enemy's attack, call in artillery fires, etc. By
the book, the outpost was supposed to withdraw back to the main line if
they were to be severely pressured and receive a major attack. The
was not considered a major defensive position. In Korea, the doctrine
changed. The outpost was ordered to be held at all costs !
The 65th rotated companies through Outpost Kelly.
The outpost was isolated from the MLR, about 500 meters from the
main line.
According to then Captain (CPT) Willis "Bud"
Cronkhite, Commander of F Company, 2nd
Battalion, 65th Infantry, Outpost Kelly was a
company- sized outpost. It could only hold three of the four platoons
in a rifle company, so one rifle platoon was left behind under
Battalion control. CPT Cronkhite held the position for six days and his
company took a beating from the Chinese Communists who wanted the
position. The Chinese pounded the hill with artillery, mortar, and
ground attacks.
The hill was very steep on the side facing our MLR
and a rope was needed to climb it. CPT Cronkhite was very
conscious of security. He would not allow his men to bring sleeping
and authorized only one blanket for every two troops, therefore ;
50% security at all times. He would establish a night ambush patrol at
the base of the hill to guard the rope entrance to the position. CPT
demanded that anyone approaching Kelly call him first to say they were
coming or he would shoot them. This tactic worked and F Company was
surprised. Bud lost approximately half of his Company during his six
defending the outpost before he was relieved.
During the night a new company came to replace F
Company, CPT Cronkhite personally checked all the positions to ensure
none of his men were left behind. He ordered each platoon to return
to the MLR after they had been relieved. Bud was the last man in F
Company to leave Kelly. When he slid down the rope he was surprised to
find all of F Company waiting for him at the base of the hill ! Bud was
furious but his officers told him his men refused to leave without
their Commander. There was only one choice left to do, the sun was
coming up. CPT Cronkhite ordered "follow me" and ran like hell down the
rice paddy dike heading
for the MLR. Fox Company followed their leader. For some strange reason
the Chinese did not open fire on this juicy target and what remained of
F Company made it back to the MLR.
On 17 September, Outpost Kelly was being defended by
C Company, 65th Infantry, when it was attacked by a Chinese Battalion.
C Company stopped the Chinese cold. That morning, they counted 150
Chinese dead. C Company had suffered 17 dead. By then they had been on
the position a week and desperately needed to be relieved due to the
casualties they had already suffered from the constant artillery,
mortar barrages, and
the latest ground attack.
Baker Takes its Turn
Since it was time for rotation, the
Regimental Commander sent B Company onto Kelly on 18 September 1952.
The change of companies had taken longer than anticipated and was not
completed until after dark.
After several weeks of failed attacks, the
Chinese had apparently learned from their mistakes. When it was dark,
the Chinese tried a different tactic. They approached the rear of the
position in single file at night giving the appearance of a Korean
column. The B Company soldiers were expecting a resupply column that
and were caught unawares. It is also believed that the Chinese may have
possibly known the password.
When it was dark the Company Commander decided to
hold a meeting with his officers in the command bunker. No one
apparently was supervising the consolidation of the position. The
entire company was surprised and the overwhelmed before they knew what
was happening. The surprise was so complete some soldiers were killed
in their sleeping bags. The enemy was able to kick in the door of the
Company Command bunker, throw a grenade in, and kill most of the
officers. One Lieutenant was able to throw himself out the door, roll
down the hill while being shot at by Chinese soldiers. Although
wounded, the Lieutenant managed to escape.
At 65th Regimental Headquarters, there was
confusion as to what was happening on Outpost Kelly. It was apparent
there was a battle going on but no one was answering the radio. The
Commander, Colonel (COL) Juan Cordero Davila decided to wait until
and daylight to determine what to do. Later, the Lieutenant who had
survived the attack made his way to Regimental Headquarters and told
his story.
During the morning of 19 September, officers on the
front line could look at Outpost Kelly with their binoculars
and see the Chinese had captured the position and were using captured
Puerto Rican soldiers to improve the defenses. Captain (CPT) George
Jackson, Commander of G Company, 2nd Battalion, manning the positions
in front of
Kelly, was able to look to the front and witness the horrifying sight
their badly-wounded and bleeding comrades, who had managed to escape,
back to the MLR under the guns of the arrogant Chinese. Several men
their lives and ran forward to rescue the surviving wounded. Captain
witnessed a soldier who had his legs blown off place himself on his
and try to propel himself to the MLR. He bled to death before he could
it back.
The Chinese immediately began to use psychological
warfare. Loudspeakers were set up and a captured soldier was forced
to taunt the leadership of the Regiment. Someone called out to the
Battalion and Regimental Commanders, "Come and command the 65th here
that we have as prisoners". COL Cordero ordered an immediate
counter-attack and artillery barrage, but Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)
Betances Ramierez, Commander of
the 2nd Battalion, reminded him that many B Company soldiers were still
on the hill captured by the Chinese. COL Cordero reconsidered his
He did not want to kill his own men. After making the necessary
improvements to their positions, the Chinese marched their prisoners
away later that
Easy Company Attacks
Early in morning of 20 September, LTC Carlos
Betances Ramirez, 2nd Battalion Commander, received authorization from
Regiment to launch a counter-attack. E Company attacked and made
steady progress against stiff enemy opposition. As they attacked and
the hill they had to climb the steep slope while under fire. By late
afternoon, one platoon managed to make it to the top. The soldiers
discovered some mutilated bodies of their comrades and countrymen. They
could not tell if the Chinese had tortured them to death or perhaps
mutilated them after they died.
The Chinese launched a counterattack that day
supported by plenty of artillery and mortars, forcing E Company to
The officers of the 65th were noticing now
that the Chinese had improved the amount and accuracy of their
artillery. At the same time our own counter-battery fires could not
locate and knock out the new Chinese guns. The Chinese had also
improved their logistics since they seem to have endless quantities of
artillery ammunition and
were resupplying well.
First Battalion
Gives It a Try
First Battalion, under command of MAJ Albert C.
Davies, was ordered to launch an attack this time with two companies, A
and C, during the evening of 20 September. The Chinese spotted these
companies crossing the MLR and entering the valley. They immediately
down artillery and mortar barrages. Our own artillery pounded Kelly in
support of our attack. The men managed to make it to the base of the
hill where the Chinese, manning the entrenchment's on Kelly, met them
with small
arms and hand grenades. First Battalion soldiers fought on slowly
their way up the steep hill. After the 65th took parts of the position
again, the Chinese opened up with air burst artillery shells and mortar
fire. Apparently the Chinese did not care they were also shelling their
own men in the position. This fire decimated the 65th soldiers
First Battalion was eventually forced to withdraw in the early
of 21 September after suffering heavy casualties.
The 65th had lost B Company, which was virtually
annihilated, and E, A, and C companies had taken heavy casualties in
their battles for the position ; their remaining men were exhausted.
was a pause in action for a couple of days. An officer of the 65th
Regimental staff reported that when the I Corps Commander, Lieutenant
General Paul W. Kendal, was briefed on the situation on the 65th
sector, he was furious at the loss of the outpost. The General ordered
another counter-attack.
In response to his new orders, COL Cordero
reluctantly complied. He stated to a nearby reporter, "In our
determination to hold and take Kelly is the prestige and glory of the
65th regiment. The Eighth Army is depending on the 65th Infantry
Regiment to tell the Reds, we
are on Kelly to stay on Kelly."
3rd Battalion
Ordered In
Early in the morning of 24 September, the last
battalion of the 65th, which had not been engaged in the battle, was
given the mission. The 3rd Battalion of the 65th, under a new
commander, LTC Lloyd E. Willis, was ordered to attack and seize the
position. The 58th Field Artillery shelled the position initially,
followed by a platoon from the 64th Tank Battalion moved into position
to support the attack by fire. These tanks immediately became stuck in
the muddy fields.
At 0600 hours, K and L Company launched their
attack. As before the Chinese spotted these formations crossing the
valley and called in artillery and mortar barrages on the advancing
companies. The Chinese on Kelly opened up with small arms and machine
guns. K Company, attacking from the east, was pinned down and taking
heavy casualties. The Company Commander lost control and requested
authorization to withdraw. COL Cordero denied the request and ordered
the attack to continue, All
communications were lost with K Company.
In the meantime, Company L attacking from the west
managed to get one squad to the crest of Kelly. COL Cordero ordered I
Company, 3rd Battalion, which he had held in reserve, to move forward
and take over the K Company mission. The Chinese spotted the company
and enemy artillery concentrations scored several direct hits. The I
Company Commander lost control and the unit fell apart. The men were
confused and panicked, with the survivor's running back to the MLR. The
Battalion Commander, who had remained behind observing the attack, went
to the MLR and tried
to reorganize the survivors of I and K Company.
At this time LTC Willis, violating his own chain of
command, bypassed his Regimental Commander, COL Cordero, and called
directly to the Assistant Division Commander to request that his
Battalion be withdrawn. The Division Commander himself decided that the
65th was to cease the battle for Outpost Kelly. By early afternoon, the
remaining soldiers of L Company had been withdrawn from Kelly.
The 65th Infantry Regiment had faithfully
engaged most of its available rifle companies in order to accomplish
its mission to take and hold this one outpost in accordance with the
orders they had received. They had taken heavy casualties. All
it's Battalions had attempted to take the position while at the
same time manning its defensive front which covered other outpost and
terrain that extended across their assigned sector of the MLR.
Companies F and C successfully defended the position initially. When
the 65th lost the outpost, it succeeded in taking Kelly
back but could not hold the hill against massive enemy artillery and
barrages in combination with strong ground counter attacks. Despite the
fact that companies B,A,C,E,I,K and L had attacked, the hill could only
three platoons of one company. The Chinese defeated these units in
detail, one at a time, as they each individually took on the steep
hill. The Enemy was able to concentrate and mass their artillery and
mortars and inflict maximum
casualties and damage to the attacking and exposed troops of the 65th.
The soldiers of the 65th had given their best to
accomplish the mission, many paying with their lives. The Chinese had
shown great skill in the use of their weapons and large, accurate
artillery and mortar barrages. Their soldiers showed an equal if not
greater amount of fanaticism to accomplish their assigned mission,
despite their casualties. The Chinese were willing to pay any price to
take and keep Kelly. In
the end, our own chain of command determined Outpost Kelly was not
the price we were paying for it.
The casualties suffered by the 65th are hard to
determine at this time. It appears they took approximately 400 - 500
casualties. The 65th suffered heavy casualties with some of its rifle
companies requiring reconstitution. The Division Commander ordered that
the entire regiment be withdrawn from the front line. In one estimate
it was determined in this one battle the 65th Infantry lost 10% of all
its total casualties in the entire war.
A proud, unique, U.S. Army Infantry Regiment,
the 65th Infantry, had failed to complete its mission. Shortly after
the battle for Outpost Kelly, COL Juan Cordero was quietly relieved of
his command. The Division Commander, Major General Robert L. Dulaney,
was also relieved and replaced by Major General George W. Smythe.
Unfortunately not even the next infantry regiment
that replaced the 65th could take back Kelly. Eventually the Chinese,
with their "inching forward" tactics, successfully took back all the
remaining outposts in this area. Today Outpost Kelly sits deep inside
the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea.
The battle for Outpost Kelly was only the
beginning of the end of the Puerto Rican Regiment. A staff study was
made to determine what caused the failure of the 65th. One of the
recommendations of this study was that the 65th receive intensive unit
training before
being sent into combat again. Many officers in the regiment determined
blame for their failure belonged to the soldiers of the 65th, the
Ricans. While this type of thinking and excuse making is hard to
in our current age, in 1952 it was an easy excuse for the failure.
High officials in the Division and the Army blamed
the failure of the 65th at Kelly on the Puerto Rican soldier. It is
indeed a tragedy that the men were held accountable for circumstances
that were beyond their control.
The Puerto Rican soldier gave all they had at
Kelly, but their Continental leaders blamed them for the failure,
than assuming the responsibility themselves.
Col Chester DeGavre, the new Continental commander
of the 65th would face another disaster just weeks later on the high
ground near Hill 391, which a Stars and Stripes reporter would call
The author, Lieutenant Colonel Baltazar
(Bart) Soto, is a 1976 graduate of the ROTC and the Inter American
University of Puerto Rico. He is a U.S. Army Reserve officer and
graduate of the
Command and General Staff College.
This article is based upon
my interviews with several key veterans of the regiment and my personal
research of several books in both Spanish and English about the
regimental reports, letters written at the time, and personal
with several veterans of the 65th. The story told in the article does
not represent the official version of the Department of Defense or the
U.S. Army and is solely my opinion. I assume the total responsibility
the contents of the article and of the history it relates.