Family Photos


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My parents wedding photo -
left to right - Clement Resto,
Emilia Ortiz, Francisco Nieves,
Claudina Aponte

My sister Mildred and my
mother Emilia Ortiz Aponte. -

My sister Mildred at Orchard
Beach in 1948.

My cousin Gary, his daughter
Lisa, and his wife Maria. -

My sister Mildred and my
mother Emilia Ortiz Aponte -


My grandmother Juana Aponte
and my aunts, Matilda, Patria,
my cousin Kenedy, and my
aunt Aurea.

My brother Michael and our
cousin Mercedes - 1969 -

My grandmother Julia Ortiz
Garcia and my father Francisco
Nieves Ortiz

My mother and father with
Ronney, Michael, Ruth
Yolanda, and Billy John. - 1963

My brother inlaw Angel Velez
and his wife Starr

Michael, Ronald, and Billy John
- 1963

Aunt Delma Ortiz Aponte, Aunt Aida Ortiz Aponte,
Mario Nieves, and my
mother Emilia Ortiz Aponte. 1946

My uncle Juanin Nieves Ortiz,
and my cousins Mario and
Jovino. - 1946

My aunt Aida Nieves and three
of her children. Rosita, Jose
Miguel, and Olga

My parents wedding photo - left to right - Clement Resto, Emilia Ortiz, Francisco Nieves, Claudina Aponte
My sister Mildred and my mother Emilia Ortiz Aponte. - 1956
My sister Mildred at Orchard Beach in 1948.
My sister Mildred and my mother Emilia Ortiz Aponte - 1945
My cousin Gary, his daughter Lisa, and his wife Maria. - 1977
My brother Michael and our cousin Mercedes - 1969 - 1970
My grandmother Julia Ortiz Garcia and my father Francisco Nieves Ortiz
My grandmother Juana Aponte and my aunts, Matilda, Patria, my cousin Kenedy, and my aunt Aurea.
My mother and father with Ronney, Michael, Ruth Yolanda, and Billy John. - 1963
My brother inlaw Angel Velez and his wife Starr
Michael, Ronald, and Billy John - 1963
My aunt Aida Nieves and three of her children. Rosita, Jose Miguel, and Olga
My uncle Juanin Nieves Ortiz, and my cousins Mario and Jovino. - 1946
Aunt Delma, my sister Mildred, Mario Nieves, and maybe my mother Emilia. 1946